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Ever want business specific information in video form? Check out our videos to learn more about different areas of business to better your skills! Our videos aim to have easy steps and directions to walk you through some business tools such as Instagram, web development and more.

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Coming Soon!


Latest: Customer Based Financing


Latest: Social Media is Now a Necessity!

Web Development

Latest: Building an Online Presence for your Business

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Katherine Morris is the Video Campaign Manager at the FBDC! Read more about her here!

Katherine Morris


Fordham College of Rose Hill | Class of 2022

Digital Technologies & Emerging Medias and Mathematics & Economics Majors

“The FBDC unites both the spirit of the local business owners and the eagerness of Fordham students to strengthen the Bronx community. I am excited to contribute to this organization and uplift the community that has enriched my Fordham experience. The success of these local businesses is a testament to the power of collaboration, and I am excited to help the FBDC and the Bronx continue to grow.”

Diana Quispe


Fordham College at Rose Hill | Class of 2022

Double Majoring in Communications and Culture with a concentration in Media Studies and a minor in Visual Arts

“I decided to join FBDC because I saw it as an opportunity to help the Brox community and small businesses with the knowledge I acquired at school.”

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